Linking aberrant chromatin features in chronic lymphocytic leukemia to
deregulated transcription factor networks

Jan-Philipp Mallm, Murat Iskar, Naveed Ishaque, Lara C. Klett, Sabrina J. Kugler, Jose M. Muino, Vladimir B. Teif, Alexandra M. Poos, Sebastian Großmann, Fabian Erdel, Daniele Tavernari, Sandra D. Koser, Sabrina Schumacher, Benedikt Brors, Rainer König, Daniel Remondini, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Peter Lichter, Martin Vingron, Marc Zapatka, Daniel Mertens, Karsten Rippe

Correspondence to: Karsten Rippe, Karsten.Rippe at or Daniel Mertens, d.mertens at
Link to paper: Mol Syst Biol 15, e8339. doi: 10.15252/msb.20188339 | Abstract | Reprint (7.1 MB) | Appendix (6.8 MB)

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In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) a diverse set of genetic mutations is embedded in a deregulated epigenetic landscape that drives cancerogenesis. To elucidate the role of aberrant chromatin features, we mapped DNA methylation, 7 histone modifications, nucleosome positions, chromatin accessibility, binding of EBF1 and CTCF as well as the transcriptome of B cells from CLL patients and healthy donors. A globally increased histone deacetylase activity was detected and half of the genome comprised transcriptionally downregulated partially DNA methylated domains demarcated by CTCF. CLL samples displayed a H3K4me3 redistribution and nucleosome gain at promoters as well as changes of enhancer activity and enhancer linkage to target genes. A DNA binding motif analysis identified transcription factors that gained or lost binding in CLL at sites with aberrant chromatin features. These findings were integrated into a gene regulatory enhancer containing network enriched for B cell receptor signaling pathway components. Our study predicts novel molecular links to targets of CLL therapies and provides a valuable resource for further studies on the epigenetic contribution to the disease.

Visualization of CancerEpisys epigenome dataset with UCSC genome browser

The CancerEpisys epigenome dataset was made accessible via UCSC Genome browser track-hub for interactive visualization.

Click here to access the CancerEpisys epigenome dataset from UCSC Genome browser

Example Track-hub file: link for UCSC genome browser:

BigBed and bigWig file table for visualization of individual samples

Supplementary data sets

Bed files of peaks called from ChIP-seq data (under construction)

ChromHMM annotation (under construction)

Consensus data sets (under construction)

non-malignant B cell
ChromHMM consensus annotation
Active enhancers from ChromHMM with ATAC peak (+/- 1kb)
CTCF consensus peaks
EBF1 consensus peaks

Analysis scripts

The analysis of CLL epigenome was developed by CancerEpiSys team (Zapatka, Lichter, Eils, Brors, Mertens, Rippe groups from DKFZ and Vingron group from molgen.mpg). The source code used in the analysis of CLL epigenome is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. The CancerEpiSys source code is Copyright (C) 2018 Jan-Philipp Mallm, Murat Iskar, Naveed Ishaque, Jose M. Muino, Lara Klett, Alexandra M. Poos, Benedikt Brors, Martin Vingron, Marc Zapatka, Daniel Mertens, Karsten Rippe and DKFZ.

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Mallm JP, Iskar M, Ishaque N, Klett LC, Kugler SJ, Muino JM, Teif VB, Poos AM, Großmann S, Erdel F, Tavernari D, Koser SD, Schumacher S, Brors B, König R, Remondini D, Vingron M, Stilgenbauer S, Lichter P, Zapatka M, Mertens D & Rippe K (2019) Linking aberrant chromatin features in chronic lymphocytic leukemia to deregulated transcription factor networks. Mol Syst Biol 15, e8339. doi: 10.15252/msb.20188339